Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Featured Artist: Evan B. Harris

photo from evanbharris.com

I actually just purchased a print by our featured artist Evan B. Harris over the weekend. I really loved the old time folklore feel his work has, and even though I looked through a bunch of great prints, it was an easy decision to make. What makes Harris unique is that he is a self-taught artist with no formal training. It is inspiring that his paintings are literally a visual translation of his creative and imaginative mind.

photo from evanbharris.com

Harris' paintings often look as if they were created decades ago. This is partially because of the different mediums and the sepia colors he uses. The secret ingredient however is the fact that he often beats, sands, scratches and polishes the paintings before he calls it finished. It really goes to show there are no rules when it comes to creating art.

photo from evanbharris.com

+ Evan B. Harris - interview & loads and loads of new work [Fart Minus F]

- Sonic

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