Monday, March 30, 2009

Featured Band: El Ten Eleven

El Ten Eleven Myspace

I actually played a gig with El Ten Eleven last year in Brooklyn, and these guys are of course great musicians but also really cool guys. When you hear El Ten Eleven you might think it's a full band, but they are a duo comprised of Kristian Dunn and Tim Fogarty. They use a lot of loops and effects as you might imagine but they definitely pull it off, and they are super tight live as well. They did most of the audio and songs (possibly all of it?) for the Indie Documentary Helvetica. The film as you may have guessed is about typography and a friend of mine has told me it is very good.

El Ten Eleven is one of those hard working bands that do a whole lot of touring, and they will be back in NYC in April. Go check out their music and swing by a show.

Upcoming El Ten Eleven shows:
- April 29 - Mercury Lounge, New York, NY
- May 1 - Union Hall, Brooklyn NY

- Sonic

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