Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Featured Director: Vincent Moon of La Blogoteque

French blog site La Blogoteque started doing their version of video podcasts called The Take Away Shows around April of 2006 with founders Chryde and Vincent Moon. Here is a brief description from their website about The Take Away Shows:

"Every week, we invite an artist or a band to play in the streets, in a bar, a park, or even in a flat or in an elevator, and we film the whole session. Of course, what makes the beauty of it is all the little incidents, hesitations, and crazy stuff happening unexpectingly. Besides, we do not edit the videos so they look perfectly flawless, instead we keep the raw sound of the surroundings. Our goal is to try and capture instants, film the music just like it happens, without preparation, without tricks. Spontaneity is the keyword."

Although a bunch of other directors have joined the project since it's initial birth, it was Vincent Moon who took his desire to film music in an innovative way to new heights. If you've ever wondered what your favorite band would sound like walking down the street playing their song, here is your chance. Visit the site for more of Moon's projects along with the other directors.

+ The Take Away Shows [La Blogoteque]

- Sonic

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