Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Game of the Week: Final Fantasy XII

screenshot by Swotti

It's a bit of a throwback, but I must have spent over a hundred hours easily on this game. I am talking about Final Fantasy XII, which is the latest of the FF series. As far as PS2 games go it probably has one of the best graphics, and it is the realest of the FF series. The maps are huge and extensive and the battle system is really awesome. Unlike the RPG standard turn based fighting, the enemies are visibly around on the world and fighting commences once you get close enough.

The only thing I didn't like about the game was that the sidequests eventually become a lot more interesting than the actual story. Also as great as the sidequests are, some of the sidequest bosses have a gazillion HP and it literally takes an hour to beat. If you can withstand the battle for 10 minutes you are obviously strong enough to beat him, there really isn't a need to keep fighting for that long.... but I guess that's why they are called sidequests.

Anyway, a great RPG and you can get it for really cheap now. Check out the links for more details about the gameplay and go here for a quick gameplay video.

+ Final Fantasy XII Review [IGN]
+ Final Fantasy XII Review [GameSpot]

Oh, one more thing. If you haven't seen the gameplay trailer for the upcoming PS3 game Final Fantasy XIII, do it now! It looks insane. FF 13 should be out at the end of the year, definitely one of the games I am excited for.

- Sonic

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