Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Featured Artist: Nathan Spoor

The Neatly Strung Messenger © Nathan Spoor

Storybooks and movies have implanted certain fantasy world imagery into our heads. Whether it be Chronicles of Narnia, Neverending Story or a Disney Movie, there is an undeniable consistency in the realms they all create. Nathan Spoor however takes that imagery and completely re-imagines them.

Citizens of War © Nathan Spoor

Spoor is a genius when it comes to using shapes to create his images. You are not so much a plant or an animal, or even a person but a shape that exists in his fantastical world. There is something very fluid about Spoor's paintings; although it may not make sense logically, nothing feels out of place. If you are a fan of surreal art, Nathan Spoor is definitely someone you want to check out.

+ Nathan Spoor Interview [Party Like An Art Star]

- Sonic

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