Friday, March 20, 2009

XBOX Live Deal of the Week: A Deal I Can Sink My Teeth Into

So, I previously posted my professed love for Fable 2, though I’d never played the original game. Man, oh man do I still love me some Fable 2.

So, I was just sitting here watching Korea play Japan in the World Baseball Classic (the bottom of the first inning was one of the most exciting and incendiary half innings I’ve ever seen played in a game) after having watched team USA come from behind in the bottom of the ninth to eliminate Puerto Rico, listening to some Led Zeppelin while surfing the net a bit.

Guess what I found out? There’s a pretty sweet deal over on Xbox Live. Get the original Fable for 33% off!

I’m still not done with all I want to do with Fable 2, but I’m grabbing this now so my time in Albion is even longer!

Game of the Week: Fable 2 - Why Our Very Own Sonic Hates Peter Molyneux (Part I)
Game of the Week: Fable 2 - Why Our Very Own Sonic Hates Peter Molyneux (Part II)

- Goodchild

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