Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Lesser Known Movie Releases: Echelon Conspiracy / The Trouble with Romance

Not too many movies have come out in February worth seeing besides Coraline, but here are 2 indie flicks coming out in limited release tomorrow which look a little more promising... or maybe not. You Decide!

Echelon Conspiracy:

The Synopsis - A young American engineer comes into possession of a cell phone that bestows unlimited wealth upon him, never realizing the danger posed to him by the device until security agents close in and start shooting to kill.

+ Echelon Conspiracy is a Classic Omniscient Phone Thriller [I Watch Stuff]

The Trouble with Romance:

The Synopsis: A provocative, sexy and insightful exploration of relationships between men and women and why we all still yearn for love despite the trouble with romance.

+ Screengrab Review: The Trouble with Romance [Screengrab]

- Sonic

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