Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Featured Store: HBO

photo by lang_inprint on Flickr

Hey, you know what everyone loves? HBO.

Seriously, we all love HBO, and we all know they make the best programming on television ever. Of course, maybe I should say we. I actually work for HBO, so this could be construed as me being a bit of a homer, but I just figured I’d give us a shout out here.

If you’re in New York City, we have a pretty sweet shop for all things HBO. Did you want a Cleaver hat or mug, like Christopher gave everyone on The Sopranos? Maybe Carrie’s necklaces from Sex & The City? How about Jemaine’s awesome poster for Flight Of The Conchords? Or crazy director Billy Walsh’s “Suits Suck” t-shirt from Entourage? You can find all the coolest swag from all the coolest shows there, so come on down to the Shop at HBO!

+ The HBO store is located on 6th ave, between 42nd and 43rd streets in NYC.

+ Shop HBO [Official Online Store]

- Goodchild

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