Monday, February 2, 2009

Artist Feature: Two Tongues

Two Tongues - look at more photos on their myspace page

Brace yourself, an emo supergroup!?!? Two Tongues is Chris Conley and David Soloway of Saves The Day plus Max Bemis and Coby Linder of Say Anything. Just like their band name the group utilizes dual vocals which offers a nice contrast between Conley's angelic singing and Bemis' growl. With this kind of music you're not going to hear anything ground breaking but I feel that Two Tongues is more genuine than their peers and they are definitely a solid band. The best way to describe their sound is... surprise! if you mash Saves The Day and Say Anything together. Aside from the standard power chords and familiar progressions you can hear some good harmonies and Soloway's cool little riffs sprinkled in.

If you don't like the genre you can skip right over them but otherwise take a listen. Their self titled debut album comes out tomorrow, February 3rd off Vagrant Records.


- Sonic

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