Monday, May 18, 2009

Featured Band: White Rabbits

photo and copyright by Lucy Hamblin

White Rabbits are another band that is from Brooklyn, but really from somewhere else. That somewhere else being Missouri in their case, but I'm not being snotty here in fact the opposite. It doesn't matter where you're from, a great band is a great band and the White Rabbits are awesome!

They are a six piece band with two drummers which often is absolutely pointless to be truthful. I can't really name too many bands if any that have 2 drummers or extra percussionists that actually serve a purpose. Most of the time when a band has two drummers its just a way to say "Hey! We have two drummers, we must sound interesting and cool." Fortunately that is not the case for the White Rabbits and it is evident in the mix. You can hear the different percussive elements really working together making a unified beat but doing different things.

They have a new record entitled It's Frightening coming out tomorrow. You can catch them on Letterman tonight, or check them out live this Thursday at the Bowery Ballroom. I think tickets are still available if you haven't picked them up already!

+ White Rabbits on Myspace

- Sonic

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