Monday, January 19, 2009

Artist Feature: Ambulance LTD

photo by EAR FARM on Flickr

Ambulance LTD put out this awesome record entitled LP in 2004, then... they broke up! Oh yeah, there's that whole thing about their label at the time (TVT Records) going bankrupt, but the "band" was no longer. Singer slash guitarist John Congleton carried on with Ambulance on his own, and the rest of the band went on to form The Red Romance. Congleton began working with Velvet Underground's John Cale on a new Ambulance record which was rumored for a release in 2007. There was no release, but in 2008 Congleton finally came together with a solid line-up, and Ambulance LTD was back playing shows again.

Which takes us to 2009, and that long awaited album, still untitled, will be out this year. You can listen to their new demos and watch some studio footage at their myspace page. Let's just hope that this time the record actually does get released.

- Sonic

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