Monday, June 22, 2009

H2O at Knitting Factory 06.21

Maximus Morse showing off his guns

H2O did a benefit show to raise money for Toby's (Singer for H2O) son Max's charter school. This was also H2O's last show for 2009 so I figured I'd get my ass down to the show. The Knitting Factory was supposed to move to the old Luna Lounge in Williamsburg but yep, it's still in NYC. Anyway, the show was sold out and although Ticketweb made it seem like there were tickets available at the door, there were not.... and Goodchild will tell you there were a bunch of fans who came and couldn't get in.

Lou giving Toby some help

It was a nice father's day show hardcore style with the kids of the band members checking out their dad's from the stage. There were a ton of cameo's as any good hardcore show would be incomplete without. The above pic is Lou Koller from Sick of it All doing his part from "What Happened?".

Rusty, Adam and Toby of H2O

H2O was fun and energetic as always, pumping out their classics and a bunch of tunes from their latest album. With no barricades and plenty of stage diving, it was like 1995 all over again going to see all those hardcore shows when I was a wee little lad.

Mitts filling in for Todd

The usual guitarist for H2O Todd, Toby's brother was not around for some reason and Mitts from Madball filled in and did a great job.. he even did some singing and pulled of some great harmonies.

Chad and Freddy

After H2O, Hazen Street played which was awesome because I thought I had missed their set. Chad Gilbert from New Found Glory and Freddy Cricien of Madball is shown above during the Hazen Street set. Apparently they are recording another record soon which is good news and Mitts will be replacing David Kennedy on guitar.


- Sonic

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