Video Pick: Alkaline Trio - We've Had Enough
Recently, I read an article by Mike Doughty – singer, songwriter, and one hell of a rock ‘n rolling New Yorker. In the aforementioned article Doughty talks about his newest video, which was made on the (extreme) cheap and about how a video that tries to do too much with too big a budget can fall short – then he even lists his favorite cheap videos of all time.
While it didn’t make the list, one of my favorites is a video by Alkaline Trio, for the song We’ve Had Enough. The video does a lot with seemingly little. Firstly, it takes a pop-punk rock song that seems to yell at commercial radio and turns the message on its head. Instead of running with the song’s anthemic feel, the video takes a much darker turn and tells the story of a haunted house, a young boy possessed, a terrified family, and what appears to be a horrible murder.
Wow. From the moment the old radio clicks on and the father jumps up from his slumber, you know something just isn’t right. Once the band members start showing up as ghosts, you need to know what is going on. In less than 3 and a half minutes, you get this whole story, hear a kick ass song, and have chills down your spine.
Its rock and roll, baby.
If you’re anywhere near the Starland Ballroom on Saturday night, Alkaline Trio is playing with Saves the Day – Come out and have a drink with Sonic and myself!
[For the record, Sonic doesn’t drink – but that doesn’t mean I’m not dragging his ass to the bar section with me]
- Goodchild
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