Monday, April 6, 2009

Browse Worthy: Loading Ready Run

In order to fully date myself, I’ll let you know that the first home computer my family had when I was very young was a Commodore 64. If you’re too young to remember this, think of it as a very slow floppy disk based gaming system that also allowed for basic programming. If you are of age, you’ll really get a kick of the set up for the site

Based out of British Columbia in Canada, the fine folks at Loading Ready Run have been putting out hilarious sketch comedy based in the world of geek-dom since 2003. They average over a video a week, which is simply out of control, and they are hysterical. I was trying to think of which video would be the funniest to show here, but instead decided on a more “scientific” one (don’t worry, just watch it – you’ll still laugh your ass off).

Head on over, watch some of their archived videos, and laugh maniacally!

- Goodchild

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