Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Featured Artist: Jeremiah Ketner

The Petite Grove by Jeremiah Ketner

Jeremiah Ketner is a Chicago based artist who draws influence from Japanese pop art. He mostly uses acrylic paint on wood, and if you look closely at his work the texture of the wood plays a big role in his style. He beautifully uses pastel colors and creates images that are so pleasant to look at.

Small Whisper by Jeremiah Ketner

I think the best way to describe Ketner's work is 'dreamy' as everything kind of floats and sways harmoniously. I would love to have one of his paintings hanging on my wall, but for now I will have to settle with some prints. Make sure you guys check out the links I added below to see more from this amazing artist.

Bathing in Starlight by Jeremiah Ketner

+ Small and Round [Official Website of Jeremiah Ketner]
+ Jeremiah Ketner on Flickr

- Sonic

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