Swearing: The Sopranos, Uncensored
Where I was from, the word is bandied about almost as though it’s not even that bad a word, just another regular word in everyone’s vocabulary. This, of course, was not entirely true, nor was it close as to how my family raised me – but from different social interactions, on different levels, I found that the word was prevalent enough, and had enough punch to it in order to drive home the NYC diction I cared so much for. And so, I began using the word a lot more in my day to day routine and I never once said “wicked”, or talked about “pahking the cah”.
Since then, I have never personally looked at swearing as too grievous an offense – I understand it’s not for mixed company, but they are, after all, just words, and in this country we have the luxury of free speech. So, I may not use swears in front of children or at work – but I truly feel that using swear words is a perfectly acceptable means of conveying message. Case in point:
Back in February, director Victor Solomon took the entire series of The Sopranos and recut it down to (essentially) just the swear words from the 7 years that it ran. Anyone who watched the show might think that a video of all the swearing from a show like this might be hours long – but it tops out at just over 27 minutes. I don’t know why exactly, but I find this extremely interesting to watch. It’s great to see the different inflections used in different situations, completely out of context.
Remember: this video is NOT safe for work, family time, or maybe watching in general.
- Goodchild
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